
Opening reception of Awaken AIFD 2019, the crew of passionate international artist row the boat with Stacey Carlton. Bravo to the idea of Joyce Mannheim & giving the torch to these artists to express their creativity!!! Beautiful concept of awakening the floral art thro beautiful Japanese Aesthetic that focuses on…

Philadelphia Flower Show 2018

When people show me trust and give the opportunity I don't have words!!! My heartfelt gratitude to each one of you that I shared my passion with. Love for flowers is beyond boundaries. The seven countries AIFD team represented in Philadelphia flower show 2018 "Wonders of Water" Papa New Guinea, Mexico,…

Published designs and article in Nacre french magazine

Proud moment to enjoy at the same time my journey keeps me humble and down to earth. " Enlightening "  When mind, body & soul work together I would say enlightening work experience takes place. Three points of triangle indicates mind, body, soul & center is indicating enlightening experience of…

Natures Creative Edge 2015

This year was the last year for "Natures Creative Edge", first time when I participated in NCE as a student in 2010, volunteering and helping designers. It is true when we sow the seed, it doesn't mean it is in dark, actually it is in the process of growing plant…

International floral art

India has 29 different states and many different languages. Still we may not understand every language but we love their different types of food. Similarly flowers have their own language and it is language of "unity in diversity". Born as Indian when I got exposure of different floral art and style…

Floral art journey

I started my floral art journey as a hobby and never knew when it became my passion. First spark happened in UK and coming back to USA I was exploring to find my floral thirst and I found AIFD. As a part of SAIFD(student of AIFD) I met wonderful friends,…

Let Them Shine …..

Scarcity of something and intensity to fulfill that scarcity teaches you a lot in life. Same here...using my creativity with wonderful purpose!!! While you are doing something you enjoy so much, for that small period you forget about everything but enjoy just doing it. When you really want to do…

Natures Creative Edge – Solitudeness With Art…

Human mind is very set mind and it's hard for him to come out of his comfort zone. The mind always try to see right time, location, etc to make any decision. But some time like lightening you realize that you need to start right away to your journey where…