“Embrace” … perfectly imperfect beauty of each and every living things and beyond!! “Embrace”…Connecting people around you with flower power without any prejudice!!
The moments I shared and warm hearted people I connected with in FSFA, where 25 contestants and 15 countries where represented. It was wonderful learning experience to participate in Gateway to the America’s Cup An International Design competition 2022 “EMBRACE”!!! First of all many thanks to Papa Gus and Deborah for the invitation to participate in this competition. It was great pleasure to compete with such talented floral artists! Congratulations to winners and all wonderful talented group of floral artist!
Here, l touched by the beauty of communication with flower language!!! Thank you for all those who took some time to appreciate the beauty around which resonates you!
Huge thanks to judges, technical and entire team of competition committee for your immense efforts! Also sponsors for all your fantastic products and fresh flowers.
From my point of view “sustainability of floral industry is in supporting, embracing each other and growing together”!!
embrace2022 #Gatewaycup2022 #fsfainternational #sustainability #proudtobeaifd